Leo Group of Educational Institues

Dear Parents,


Welcome to Leo Institute of Education Pvt. Ltd.


The stepping stone of Leo Classes was laid by our Director 33 years ago and after 11 years it became Leo Institute of Education Pvt. Ltd.

The idea behind the same was very simple. "To make learning Fun." Just like any other sport or activity, why can't studying be made fun ? Just because it is compulsory and has to be done? The monotonicity of the current education system present it In a way where it  becomes more of a duty and less of the fact that "the world is phenomenal and knowing how it works is amazing." Yes, that's what the textbooks stand for, if seen and shown correctly.

The waxing and waning moon is more fascinating when displayed, rather when heard. The India's struggle to freedom is far more awing when dramatized, rather just mugged up and why we need trigonometry hasto be conveyed first before you start mugging the angles. That's what we try to do.

We as an institute, try to spread learning by developing the skill, to develop questions within. We simple deflect them towards the correct way, let the doubts to arise and happily answer them.

We believe in adopting new methods and techniques to help our students appetizer the concepts.

At Leo Institute of Education Pvt. Ltd. we use a simple concept to motivate our teachers. "Would you like to be a student in your own class? If not, you are not doing it right." With the motto always in mind, we strive and try to  bring out the genius in every child.



Leo Institute of Education Pvt. Ltd.

Model Test