
Our mission is to create techno-smart and multifaceted individuals who can meet the challenge of the 21st century. Here the intellectual, social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and aesthetic development of the students fostered to enhance their quality.


Our aim is to instill in students problems solving attitude and develop in them courage to meet the challenges of real-life bravely. We also foster children to build a community where morality, values, sacraments, and equality are justified.



Buses for the easy and safe commencing under the school authority.

Audio-Visual Classes

A teaching aid that enhances the power of learning as audio-video helps students to understand better.

Laboratory & computer labs

Demonstration is another way of learning where we provide well-equipped labs of Physics, Chemistry, and Computers.


National Cadets Corps (NCC) is a youth development movement. It has enormous potential for nation-building.

Wall Climbing

Cores strength and agility helps in strong development with these students will be physical sound.

Kabaddi mate

To enhance the skills of sports, best-in-class equipment helps them to reach the national and international level.

Gymnastic Equipment

Equipment for all the regular exercise and cardio of our students.


Well build library for the power of knowledge and peaceful studies in free time.

Kinder Garden

To satisfy toddlers needs of learning in a separate space. Where they can learn and grow without any sort of disturbance.

Swimming Pool & Sand Pit

For the physical and mental development of early buds, we have specially designed pool and sandpits.

Jaysukh Kathiriya

Jaysukh Kathiriya, is a Graduate in Chemistry (B.Sc.). Through enormous feeling of giving back to society always haunted him. Keeping this aim in mind. He consistently made relentless efforts to help our Nation to live in Harmony. Also he believed that, the best thing one can bestow upon someone is Knowledge which is the genesis of Humanity. With this motto in head, He is now zestfully engrossed in building the thinking ability of students radical by elevating the bandwidth of their forte. He believes that, not only grades but a comprehensive growth can shape their future radially. Hence currently he serves as a Director in LEO INSTITUTES OF EDUCATION PVT. LTD. to inculcate in students the fusion of knowledge with values

Vikram Bagadiya

Vikram Bagadia is an Electronics & Communication Engineer by qualification and a tutor by passion. After engineering he gave up his campus selection in “Gujarat Transreceiver LTD.” To become a full time teacher. A dedicated ambitious and goal driven educator with 20+ years of progressive experience. With a motto of “Making Learning Fun” he has been continuously involved in providing activities and material that engage and develop the student intellectually.


  • Save Money every week ! It doesn’t matter how much. Just save !
  • Listen to your parent’s advice… at the end of the day they are the only ones who want the best for you…
  • Choose your friends wisely as you are the product of your environment.
  • Learn to be alone and independent. It’s a skill few master.
  • Educate yourself read. Read. Read .
  • Be healthy an look after your body.
  • Don’t wait for someone to love you : learn to love Yourself First.
Model Test